We specialise in work with marginalised groups to co-produce multimedia that connects with its audience.

At Roots and Wings we have a long and storied history of co-production and user-centered design, and have engaged people across all age ranges and settings, from nurseries to nursing homes, to involve service users in the design process.

We’ve worked alongside a huge diversity of groups over the years, includes children in care, the elderly, NEETS, refugees and asylum seekers, children in hospital, school children, young people in the mental health system, to name just a few.


Engagement Showcase:


For young people the care system is a labyrinth of incomprehensible legal jargon and different coloured lanyards worn by a professionals they don’t know whether or not have their best interests at heart. We worked with the Street Law team from Newcastle University Law School to produce an animation aimed at helping young people in care understand exactly what each different care order means, and what to expect from the legal process.

Working with a group of young people to develop the animation, we landed on the idea of the main character in the animation being a young panda as the group felt this would help communicate the fear and isolation that they had experienced themselves when trying to navigate this complicated adult landscape.


Every year Newcastle University hosts the Engagement & Place Awards, a special event celebrating projects at the University that display the diverse ways that staff and students work with external partners and communities, and recognising the many innovative collaborations between the University and external partners. All these projects bring value to the social. cultural and economic wellbeing in our city, our wider region and across the globe.

Winners in each category receive an award, part of which is a video about their specific project to help promote their work more widely. Roots and Wings have enjoyed working with the award-winning projects to produce these videos. Here are a few examples from the 2023 E&P Awards…

E&P ‘23: World Anatomy Day Events

E&P ‘23: losing a baby from a multiple preganancy

E&P ‘23: fighting gbv & hiv-stigma in southern africa

E&P ‘23: Volunteer Voices


As part of our work for the Great North Museum’s BONES exhibit, we produced this short educational animation to introduce children to the process of fossilisation. The animation features GNM mascot Albany the Mouse and his turquoise penpal Eugenio the Lizard, who flew in all the way from the Brazil’s PUCRS Museum of Science and Technology to shoot this video. This song comes with a precautionary note, however. Once it’s in your head, it’ll never leave. You have been warned…